
文老师synesso咖啡机,ynesso 咖啡机 原厂双杯手柄 配件 现货

文老师synesso咖啡机,ynesso 咖啡机 原厂双杯手柄 配件 现货


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synesso咖啡机MVP Hydra意式商用变压萃取多锅炉加热外置独立水泵

SYNESSO 咖啡机 S200美国原装进口 商用半自动
Synesso咖啡机 MVP HYDRA 自动变压/手动变压 单头半自动咖啡机
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PRE-INFUSION Pre-infusion has become a commonly used tool in espresso making.  By saturating the puck of espresso grounds, the espresso extracts more evenly, and reduces the negative impact of channeling. The Synesso technology includes programmable Pre-infusion time per group. The option to pre-infuse is included on every Synesso model.

SYNESSO CYNCRA,SYNESSO MVP,SYNESSO MVP HYDRA,Synesso,3 Group,S300,Synesso 2, Group, S200, in ,White,Synesso

文老师synesso咖啡机,ynesso 咖啡机 原厂双杯手柄 配件 现货



文老师synesso咖啡机,synesso咖啡机MVP Hydra意式商用变压萃取多锅炉加热外置独立水泵

文老师synesso咖啡机,synesso咖啡机MVP Hydra意式商用变压萃取多锅炉加热外置独立水泵


synesso咖啡机MVP Hydra意式商用变压萃取多锅炉加热外置独立水泵
artisansmith 咖啡机手柄 纯铜 LaMarzocco Synesso Slayer kees
Synesso 咖啡机 原厂双杯手柄 配件 现货
SYNESSO 咖啡机 S200美国原装进口 商用半自动
Synesso咖啡机 MVP HYDRA 自动变压/手动变压 单头半自动咖啡机

THERMAL PRECISION With so many variables constantly at play in the art of making espresso, the ability to regulate any of these aspects becomes a key factor in creating a repeatable shot recipe.  Synesso has an industry leading heat and water system with maximum stability, and minimal loss, which results in a system that varies no more than 0.75˚ at any given time in the brew cycle- regardless of how busy you get.  Say goodbye to temperature surfing. This critical feature is included as an integral part of every Synesso.

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文老师synesso咖啡机,synesso咖啡机MVP Hydra意式商用变压萃取多锅炉加热外置独立水泵
